
F1 Antirrhinum majus

Early flowering, strong branching plant habit and full closely spaced flower spikes makes this series excellent for beds, borders, packs and mixed patio containers. Very suitable for early spring and autumn sales as both plants and flowers can withstand frost well.

  • Many colors available

  • Strong basal branching

  • Compact plant habit

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Life cycle: annual
Use: garden beds, borders, pots, containers
Height in pot: 15-20 cm (6-8”)
Pot size: packs, 10-20 cm (4-8”)
Garden height: 20-25 cm (8-10”)
Garden spread: 30 cm (12”)
Seed count: 6.200-6.500 s/gr (176.000-184.000 s/oz)
Seed form: raw

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