
F1 Dianthus interspecific

First year flowering perennial that is winter-hardy to USDA Zone 5. Fast to flower and exceptionally good garden performance. Vigorous plants, heat and cold tolerant. Abundance production of flowers with lacy, serrated petals. Perfect for use in larger pots, garden beds and landscape.

Supra Pink and Purple are All America Selection Winners

  • Heat and cold tolerant

  • Great garden performance

  • First year flowering perennial

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Life cycle: perennial, USDA Zone 5
Use: large pots, containers, garden beds, landscape
Height in pot: 25 cm (10”)
Pot size: packs, 10-15 cm (4-6”) pots, containers
Garden height: 25-35 cm (10-14”)
Garden spread: 25-35 cm (10-14”)
Seed count: 700-1.000 s/gram (20.000 - 28.000 s/oz)
Seed form: raw and pelleted

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